Due to the increasing number toxins in our environment, and the chemicals, pesticides and numerous toxins in our food and medications, there is a large increase in the number of people with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver. This is caused by a build up of toxins in our bodies and not eating nutritious foods, such as antioxidants, that help nutralize and process these toxins out. The liver is one of the main drainage pathways and acts as a filter through which toxins are processed and eliminated. Having a congested liver is the precurser for many chronic diseases and even death.

The liver is responsible for filtering the blood to eliminate toxins and poisonous substances from the body. It also aids in nutrient absorption, protein synthesis, glucose storage, insulin and bile production, metabolizing fats (removing excess cholesterol) and storing vitamins and minerals. The liver helps with the regulation of ,hormones and helps remove excess hormones such as estrogen. In addition, it plays a huge role in thyroid productivity.

As you can see, a congested liver can affect so many parts of our body and can be the contributor to many of our symptoms. Some of these symptoms are: fatigue, weight gain (especially around the stomach area), blood sugar issues, sugar cravings, poor digestion, headaches and nausea after fatty meals.

When detoxing the liver, it’s important to use specific steps for optimal results.


It’s important to avoid chemicals in food that cause the liver to work harder to process. Eliminate processed & packaged foods that contain toxic chemicals and dyes. When you do eat packaged foods, look at the labels and for products that have clean ingredients. Buy organic when possible and when not, be sure to wash them well. Eat grass fed beef, antibiotic & hormone free poultry, ocean caught fish and nitrate free deli meats. Eliminate foods such as sugar, alcohol, caffeine, gluten and dairy. Avoid processed and packaged foods, deep fried food and toxic oils such as Canola, Corn, Cottonseed, Soy, Sunflower, Safflower and Grapeseed.

Focus on getting seven servings of veggies daily. This is easily done by making a morning protein shake filled with veggies and eating a serving at lunch and dinner time. Other important foods and nutrients that help the liver are garlic, leafy greens (dandelion, spinach, kale), beets, berries, avocados, cruciferous veggies (broccoli, cauliflower, brussels sprouts, cabbage), lemons, limes, nuts and seeds, chlorella and selenium. Consuming enough Protein is important for processing toxins out of the liver. Specific Amino Acids are necessary for the elimination of some types of toxins as they bind to the toxins in order to carry them out of the body.

Please reach out to me if you need any assistance with a detox diet.

Opening Drainage Pathways

Our bodies have five main drainage pathways: The skin, lungs, liver, kidneys and colon. Because of the overabundance of chemicals in our food and environment our drainage pathways can become congested. When we detox too fast or detox without first clearing out the drainage pathways, there’s a potential to become sick or only have temporary results. Chronic constipation, skin issues, digestive issues, low nutrient absorption, supressed immune function and hormonal imbalance are just some of the side effects of congested pathways. The liver detox supplements listed below will aid in opening up your drainage pathways. Sweating is another way our bodies eliminate toxins. Working out on a regular basis and infrared sauna treatments are great for working up a sweat.

Avoiding Houshold/Environmental Toxins Where Possible

Besides chemicals in our food, we are constantly exposed to chemicals in our environment. Whether its the air we breathe, the water we drink or the products we use in our homes or on our bodies, these chemicals are consistently entering our bodies and overburdening our liver and other organs. As you run out of your products, begin replacing them with clean products. Especially products that touch your skin such as lotions, skin care, make-up, laundry detergent and fabric softeners. Another big one is scented items in your home such as candles and air fresheners.

Daily Bowel Movements

It’s important to have 1-3 bowel movements daily to process toxins out of the body. When we are not eliminating daily, toxins get backed up in our system. Not only is this uncomfortable but can make us sick. Opening up your drainage pathways and eating a clean diet will help improve elimination. Avoid drinking very cold water, getting plenty of movement and relaxing the nervous system are a few helps that will assist with more frequent bowel movements. Drinking Traditional Medicinal’s Smooth Move Tea or warm water with lemon juice upon waking can be helpful. Magnesium supplements or lotion and Copaiba Essential Oil can also help. I add a couple of drops of the Copaiba to an herbal tea at bedtime. If you are chronically constipated I recommend the CellCore Bowel Mover.

Liver Detox

The following is the 60 Day Liver Detox Protocol:

Month 1 - Open Up Detox Pathways

Order the Jumpstart Your Health Protocol

  • Begin with the CellCore Jumpstart Kit + Drainage Activator.* Add the Bowel Mover* if you are not having daily bowel movements. This kit will help with nutrition, support kidney, liver and bile duct function, aid in digestion and immune health and lend increased support to drainage and detoxification. Follow the instructions in the kit/on the bottles. Be sure to add/eliminate foods described above, drink half your weight in ounces of water and get some sort of movement at least 3x per week for a minimum of 30 minutes.

Month 2 - Order the Liver Detox & Support Protocol

Once you’re finished with the Jumpstart Kit (30 Days), start the CellCore Liver Support Kit. Continue using Bowel Mover if needed. The Liver Support Kit will continue with improving kidney, liver and bile duct function, improve your immune health and digestion and begin working with your other drainage pathways to help your liver and other systems with the detoxification process. Continue working on eliminating those foods that are toxic and adding specific foods that contain antioxidants.

Once you’ve completed the Liver Support Kit, you may want to continue with the next step depending on what your scan indicates.

Other Available Protocols:*

  • Gut Repair

  • Parasite Cleanse

  • Candida Support

  • Cellular Health

  • Detox

  • Energy

  • Stress

  • Stomach (H. Pylori Support)

  • Radioactive Elements Support

*If you have several issues, it is important to work in the right order. Please reach out if you need help determining where to start.

For best results I recommend a Hair Follicle Scan to see what YOUR body needs.