Hair Analysis

Get to the ROOT CAUSE of your health issues with an Epigenetic Hair Follicle Analysis Nutritional & Wellbeing Report




What is an Epigenetic Hair Analysis?

Your personalized Epigenetic Hair Follicle Scan & Report will help you to better understand how to create optimum physical, mental and emotional states of wellness based on wha’t going on in your body.

Using the information found in your hair follicle, we can see how your overall systematic health is being affected by your diet as well as how your outside environment is influencing your ability to heal. Your report will give you a simple plan to help you with food and lifestyle changes that will improve your health.

The foods you eat (or don’t eat) and the nutrients absorbed, combined with environmental toxins, affect your overal wellbeing. The gut and the intestinal tract can be impacted by poor diets and chemicals, which also reduce optimal functionality. Modern day life is further influenced by invisible Electro Magnetic Wave forms that surround us constantly. All of these epigenetic stressors are damaging our cells and promoting disease in our bodies.

Finding exacly which vitamins, minerals, amino acids, anti-oxidants & fatty acids are missing in your diet is key to creating wellness in your body. Improving nutrition specific to what your body is missing can reduce inflamation and poor immune system functionality to improve how you feel. Giving your body the proper nutrition by learning healthy eating habits and other tools for wellness, it’s possible to reverse physical and emotional health issues and FEEL GOOD AGAIN!

Scroll to the bottom of the page to see what my clients are saying about their results!

*Report is not diagnostic. Any information provided in the scan or any supplements are recommendations only. There are no claims of healing any specific health issues or disease.

After going through my own health crisis with toxin overload, autoimmune, digestive, stress, emotional and food issues…

My mission is to help others find health and healing through natural means.

Now one of the select providers offering the “Specialists Functional Metabolism” Scan. This scan includes all of the previous information but includes a look at metabolic health, which includes the liver. This scan helps us understand how congested your liver is and what needs to be addressed for detox. It is a simple, non-evasive and proven system of aligning your environment to optimize your physical, mental and emotional potential.

The Science Behind Hair Follicle Analysis

Your environment controls up to 98% of the way in which many of your genes express themselves. This means the way in which they act physically controls virtually all aspects of your metabolism and your life. Currently you, and almost everyone else on the planet, are operating below your potential due to the effects of the environment. Processed foods, low nutrient intake, toxins and chemicals, electromagnetic fields and extremely low frequency influences are responsible for a breakdown in the body’s normal day to day functions.

These functions are driven basic processes which are crucial to the way in which your physical body expresses. Firstly, the quality of new cells your body creates to repair itself and secondly, the nervous system and enzyme processes which are responsible for all bodily processes. As the environment controls gene expression it is the most crucial aspect of producing optimized cells, which in turn produce optimized tissues, which in turn produce optimized organs and finally systems and the entire organism – or optimized you!

Your enzyme processes are entirely reliant on a constant supply of vitamins, minerals and amino acids for them to operate. Your nervous system is strongly affected by toxins, additives and EMF/ELF. All of these factors can contribute to a breakdown in metabolic function. To achieve your potential, you need to ensure that these processes are working at their optimized levels. Anything less than optimum and you feel the effects in a loss of function, which can be reflected in low energy, poor sleep, weak immune system, poor concentration, irritability, general aches and pain, slow recovery, susceptibility to injury and more. If left in a sub-optimal state for too long, then this can eventually lead to chronic issues.

The “Specialist’s Functional Metabolism” scan is designed to help identify many of the common environmental influences that could be leading to a less-than-optimum output of your genes, enzymes and metabolic function. Also, to provide you with a 90-Day Plan for dealing with these issues and optimizing yourself through dietary, nutritional and supplement programs.

Optimization is an awakening process, whereby you become aware of the effects of your environment on your body, you feel the positive choices that you make and you become responsible for your own destiny.

Your 36 page report will show you the following:

My approach to optimal health and healing is to understand individual, specific nutritional needs, and then create a program to address, specific foundational systemic and nutritional concerns.

  • Which body systems are under the most stress and why. Including special attention to liver/metabolism, gut, immune and circulatory systems.

  • Which Vitamin and Mineral deficiencies are contributing to your system break down.

  • Which Amino Acids & Fatty Acids you are low on and how they affect your body.

  • How Electromagnetic Field disturbances (wifi, exposure to electricity, etc) are affecting your health.

  • Chemical, Radiation and Toxin Exposure.

  • Presence of mold, parasites, bacterial overgrowth, virus. 

  • The specific bio-individual foods you need to add to your diet to bump up nutrition based on your personal results.

  • 10 foods you need to eliminate that are stealing energy from your systems and preventing healing.

  • The top 10 food/product additives that are negatively affecting your body.

            …..and more!

  • During your Health Review Appointment we’ll go over your Health Review Form, discuss aspects of lifestyle (diet, stress, sleep, emotional health, etc) & talk about symptoms you are experiencing.

  • We’ll take your hair sample and send four live hair follicles, through a state of the art scanner, to a server in Germany.

    The full 30+ page report, which includes over 800 nutritional and environmental markers, will show the following:

    • Which of your functional systems are under the most stress.

    • How your immune, gut and circulatory health are being affected.

    • Specific vitamins, minerals and other nutrients you are lacking.

    • Environmental stressors and pathogens that are present and causing stress to your body.

  • At your Hair Analysis Review Appointment, we’ll go over your report details which will include a customized plan to implement the food recommendations and any other changes that will benefit your health. You’ll start with a 30 day “Getting Started” Program and I’ll recommend optional supplements that will expedite your success.

  • You’ll have the option to enroll in a support program that includes 1:1 Support & Accountability Sessions, tips, handouts and monthly educational classes.

  • We’ll set a date for your 90 Day Follow Up Scan to see progress and what to work on next.




Frequently Asked Questions:

How quickly do I get my results back?

We’ll have your results in 15 minutes. If you are doing a postal kit from home, results are usually back to us in about a week.

What if I don’t have any hair?

We can pull hair from your eyebrows for your scan.

Can children have a scan?

Yes, anyone over 12 months old can have a scan. For babies under 12 months, scanning mom is the best way to see what’s going on nutritionally.

What does my scan include?

You’ll recieve an individualized, detailed 30+ page report with everything from vitamin, mineral , anti-oxidant, amino acid and fatty acid deficiencies. Depending on which type of scan you choose, you’ll see which body systems (immune, hormone,sleep, circulatory, gut….) are being over stressed. Each area of the scan tells you what you can do to improve those systems/deficiencies. You’ll also have a section on environmental exposures such as toxins and heavy metals, as well as, EMF (Electromagnetic Field) exposure. Each report gives you a list of ten foods you need to avoid and ten foods that will be beneficial to add for the next 90 days.

What’s next?

You’ll want to schedule your next scan 90 days after the first one. It’s like peeliing back the layers of an onion. Your 90 day scan is the most important scan so we can see what progress you’re making. Your second scan will be discounted $50 if scheduled within two weeks of your initial scan.


My girls are eating foods I’ve tried to get them to eat. Like avocados! And it’s easier to get them to add extra veggies or meats in than it used to be too. I think they needed someone else letting them know it was causing deficiencies and showing up in their bodies as symptoms.

My daughter has been happier. We’ve called her Ms giggles at least 20 times this last two weeks. She’s usually pretty happy, but this is a significant bump up.

My other daughter has had less complaints about her tummy hurting…which we used to hear about 1-2 daily. Now only 1-2 a week. She’s adapted to being gluten free really well. Thanks for the gluten free tips about school lunches. She’s also waking up earlier again like she used to.