

Success in a health plan requires building a relationship of authenticity and trust. It also involves finding true root cause to physical symptoms and systematic imbalance in the body, emotional blocks that can cause physical symptoms, and spiritual disconnect. It is well documented that most physical symptoms present from unresolved emotional issues or trauma.

After several years of working with clients on physical health, it has become very apparant that if we don’t address stress, sleep, toxicity and emotional/sprirital aspects of health, the physical body cannot completely heal. We may experience a lessening of symptoms or some partial recovery but without a mind, body, spirit balance, optimal health is difficult to achieve.

The Initial Health Assessment is designed to begin the discovery of the root cause to physical issues as well as, what daily stressors, unresolved trauma or emotional blocks are playing a part in the physical manifestation of pain, autoimmune & disease.

We’ll also talk about lifestyle, habits and belief systems that may be interfering with your body’s ability to stay balanced and self repair.

Your first appointment, a Health Review, is a 90 minute session. You’ll be sent a digital Health Review Form to fill out prior to this appointment which will be used to determine priority and where to begin. We’ll talk about physical, emotional and spiritual aspects of your health/symptoms. We’ll discover, using muscle testing and energy work, what is your body’s priority for healing. At this appontment we will also take your hair sample for your Hair Analysis. The Epigenetic Hair Analysis will give us direction on your individual body’s physical (nutritional) health needs and whether stress and emotion are affecting your physical health.

The 2nd part of your assessment will be a virtual 60 minute Report of Findings and Plan Session. Using your Health Review information and your Hair Analysis, I’ll design a simple plan specific to your body’s priorities. Your plan will be designed for the next 30 days with the option for Support Sessions as needed or a one year membership.

Initial Health Assessment - $449

Your Assessment includes the following:

  • Health History & Lifestyle Values Questionnaire Review Session - 90 Minutes This includes focus on physical and emotional health issues and finding order of priority. 

  • Hair Follicle Scan & Review (60 Minutes)

  • 30 Day Getting Started Plan with recommended supplements.* 

  • Two Week Follow-Up Appointment

    *Supplements not included in assessment/plan.

What’s Next….

Remember…it took your body years to get to where it is now and it will take time to get it back on track.

Ideally you’ll want to use your Hair Analysis results and plan for 90 days.

  • You’re supplement suggestions may change throughout the 90 days depending on what body systems need to be addressed. I recommend you schedul a Support & Accountability Session 3-4 weeks after your Hair Analysis Review.

  • You’ll have the option to join a one year membership where we’ll continue working on your individualized plan based on your Hair Scan Results and the Core Lifestyle Goals you’re working towards. 

    *You can schedule individual Support & Accountability Appointments outside of the membership program.

  • After following your plan for 90 days, you’ll want to schedule a 90 Day Follow-Up Scan. Your 2nd Scan will show you what is improving/resolved and what the next area of focus should be.