Is Your Lifestyle Making You Sick?

Is Your Lifestyle Making You Sick?

That anxious feeling when you wake up, the constant tension in your body, the inability to lose weight and the influx of new symptoms (pain, sleep issues, mood disorders, memory issues, digestive problems, etc)....What is your body trying to tell you?

We were created to live an abundant life filled with happiness and wellbeing. We are connected to an unlimited Source of life-giving energy and we get to choose how much we want to use that connection. Connection to this Source doesn’t mean we won’t experience hardship, but it does help us understand how growth comes from obstacles and that we actually create our life, and our health, based on our thoughts, actions and beliefs. 

Everything in our world is made up of energy! 

Everything and everyone carries an energetic vibration. When we begin to realize what level of vibration we are attracting and living in, we can begin to eliminate low vibration from, and add higher vibration to, our lives. 

The reality is…

Many of us are running around doing things that our programming told us we “have to do”. Many of these things lead to low energetic thoughts and activities. You may have a career/job that is unfulfilling or be in a broken or disconnected relationship. You may be participating in activities that you don’t really enjoy or purchase unnecessary “stuff” to keep up with everyone else or to fill an unknown void. You may never have alone time or downtime without technology. Maybe you have some buried emotions, unresolved trauma or conflict. The list goes on and on. We have more available to us, more abundance than ever yet so many are unhappy. All of this combined causes our bodies to be in constant stress. Our nervous system becomes overwhelmed and stuck in a cycle of survival.

THIS is what causes our body to begin to break down.

THIS is why so many people are sick.

We have to realize that nothing will change unless we make a change!

The body’s inability to function properly is increased by our poor diet and the low vibrational foods/substances we expose it to. This then causes high levels of toxicity that break the body systems down even more. 

If you’ve tried everything to improve your health and nothing is working here’s why:

When the body is in constant survival mode, that increased need for cortisol begins to rob energy from body systems. Over time the body will send signals in the form of symptoms such as pain, stomach aches and digestive issues, anxiety, depression, sleep issues, etc. Most people ignore these signals until they begin to affect life on a larger scale. Many ignore these symptoms, or alarms, until it’s too late to reverse them.

Our body was miraculously  made to tell us when it’s breaking down. Just like the oil light going on in your car, symptoms are warnings that something is affecting the overall mechanics of the body. Our current medical field has programmed us to seek a quick fix with medications that cover up symptoms but don’t heal the problem. Changing your diet, exercising, working on mindset…all of the “go to” answers for improving health, don’t work if our nervous system is constantly on high alert. Taking on a strict diet or exercise regime can actually cause more stress and therefore results are often hard to achieve. 

The most overlooked issue with cause and effect on health is overall lifestyle.

Negative Lifestyle Attributes can include: 

The amount of hours we spend working, excessive use of technology, what we eat, activities we participate in, daily choices that go against personal integrity, spending considerable amounts of time with toxic or unaligned people, lack of movement, numbing ourselves, low social interaction, not making time for fun and relaxation. This can go on to include negative attitude, limiting belief systems, people pleasing, perfectionism and control issues.

Let me ask you a few questions to help you dive deeper into how your lifestyle might be causing you stress. Oftentimes we are causing the majority of our own stress by ruminating on the past, worry about the future or saying “yes”  too often. We become stuck in a cycle that might include self doubt, shame, fear, checking out…you name it, there’s lots of ways to keep ourselves stuck.

I recommend grabbing a notebook to really expand on your answers. 

  • Do you feel like your life is chaotic or out of control? Do you struggle with overwhelm or inability to focus or feel like something is off? 

  • Are you aware of what is making you feel this way? If so, write down in detail what this is. 

  • How many hours/minutes each day do you spend doing things you don’t really enjoy? Make a list of what those are. Be honest about what you truly don’t enjoy but feel like you “have to” do. 

  • On a scale of 1-10 (1 = Not Stressful 10 = Very Stressful) rate each of the items in your list. This will help you dial in on what’s causing your stress. 

  • Put a star by all of the things that you could eliminate (immediately or eventually). Could you delegate some things or could you just say “no”?

  • When you think about the things you’re saying “yes” to, what is the “why”…what are you getting out of it? If there are things you want to say “no” to but find it difficult, evaluate the reasoning. It may be that you have a fear of not being liked or included or it may have to do with being accepted or approved of.

  • How much is the past or worry about the future taking up space in your mind? 

  • How many hours per day do you spend numbing out to avoid making change? This could be social media or web browsing, tv, shopping, gaming, addictive activities…anything that takes your mind off of your daily life or creates avoidance and procrastination. 

  • How many hours/minutes per day do you spend in a relaxed state, doing something you enjoy, being creative or just sitting quietly? 

  • How much time do you spend focusing on your problems instead of finding solutions?  We often spend more time planning our weekend or a vacation than making a plan for our life, our overall health and happiness. 

  • Taking all of this into account, write down the symptoms you are experiencing. Reflect on how often you feel them, when you feel them (what is going on when they flare up?) and how many days, weeks, months, years they have been present.

  • Ask yourself, “Am I willing to make some changes and commit and keep promises to myself because I’m sick and tired of being sick and tired”?”

As you begin to ask yourself these questions and expand on them, your mind will go to work seeking solutions. Make a new habit of writing down ideas that come to mind and paying attention to synchronicities that make their way into your awareness. If you feel extremely overwhelmed by the answers to your questions, that’s a good indication that your nervous system is really stuck in old, non-productive thought patterns, programming and belief systems.

Many of us are in the state of trying to control in order to feel safe.
This comes from childhood and other past experiences that have now caused our brain to work diligently at preventing any future similar events. We try to control people, outcomes, and how we look on the outside. Our mind begins to control our entire lives out of unconsious fear. This can result in perfectionism, addictions & eating disorders, obsessive shopping or hoarding and other destructive behavior. 

The key to healing your body is to retrain your nervous system to calm down and to begin to align with your spirit so you can find purpose and meaning.

To surrender and realize we really don’t have control of anything or anyone but ourselves. And then, to begin working on our physical, emotional and spiritual health by listening to our intuition, paying attention to signs from our physical body and uncovering and moving past old stuck emotions and behaviors. When we stay stuck in our day to day, low vibrational thought and action patterns, we disconnect from the Source that gives life energy. When we are disconnected spiritually, when we don’t address our emotions, our physical body breaks down. 

So what do you do to get out of the Stress Cycle? 

Start giving your body/mind the opportunity to relax. Here’s how:

  • Eliminate activities that do not bring you joy or that cause high levels of stress. (The ones you can.)

  • Stop saying “yes” to things you don’t want to do.

  • Make a daily “Tea Time” by blocking out time, every day, to sit quietly and just be present. 

  • Take up Yoga or Meditation to learn to shut your “worry mind” off.  

  • Eliminate toxic people from your life. 

  • Work on your emotional self. Read books, listen to podcasts, find a practitioner that can help you work on resolving your past trauma, get to the bottom of your blocks and increase your energetic vibration. 

  • Start paying attention to what you are doing when you are in “control mode”. 

  • Start doing things you enjoy that keep you in the now. 


ME Support is a liquid tincture that combines traditional herbal remedies with BioActive Carbon® Technology to nurture the limbic system – the brain’s central hub for processing emotions and stress.*

Need help getting started?

Cori Behrends

I empower women to create better overall health by combining energy work, goal setting, specialized food plans and individualized programs that promote a balance of mind, body & spiritual health. By addressing all three of these important health components, my clients achieve long lasting results and are able to get back to finding joy in life.

A Healthy Immune System is the Key to Avoiding Illness this Winter …Not a vaccination or avoiding germs!


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