Discover Your Best Self

Lose Weight

Reverse Symptoms

Feel Great!

• Discover Your Best Self • Lose Weight • Reverse Symptoms • Feel Great!

I help clients take back their lives by finding balance between physical, emotional and spiritual health.

Finding the nutritional root cause of your symptoms, discovering emotional connections to food and illness and managing stress are the three key components for optimal health.

Discovering the foods that are affecting your body negativly and which nutritional elements you are missing can help your body begin to heal. Together we can work to replace unhealthy habits, work on programming & belief systems and create an authentic lifestyle that has you feeling great!

If you’re ready to take charge of your health and start living your best life now…let’s get started!

Healthy really doesn’t have to be hard!

We’ve been mis-educated about health for so many years that it’s hard to know whom or what to believe. Many of us are frustrated with Western Medicine and our society is dealing with an all time high of health issues related to autoimmune disease, diabetes, cardiovascular, cancer and so much more.

The truth is, our bodies were made to self heal.

We’ve damaged our bodies at a cellular level by consuming toxic, overly modified foods and taking advantage of the “convenience” of packaged and fast foods. We have an epidemic of overprescribed medications with side effects that are doing more harm than good! We are stressed out and spiritually disconnected…you might even be feeling lost.

My mission as a health & wellness consultant…

Is to empower my clients to understand the needs of their own bodies. We are all bio-individual so what works for me may not be what works for you. This is why fad diets and food elimination plans do not work long term. All health issues, even weight, have underlying root causes. Many are related to stress & emotional trauma that are affecting our body systems. Working together we will get to the root of your health issues and get you on the path to feeling better than ever!

Expanding evidence shows that our environment and nutrition play a key role in how our body functions.

I offer an innovative and compelling technlogy that has been in development in Europe for more than 15 years., known as “epigenetic mapping”, or Hair Follicle Scanning. The benefits of this testing include:

  • Offers a snapshot of one’s nutritional profile including levels of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, fatty acids and antioxidants, as well as an extensive evaluation on the immune, gut and circulatory systems. It also highlights environmental influences such as viruses, parasites, toxins and EMF exposure.

  • Noninvasive, it utilizes the hair follicle to gain access to the cellular frequencies of the body. Results are received in 15 minutes.

  • Complementary to conventional testing, it can observe conditions that are not always detected by traditional blood testing.

  • An actionable, preventative wellness perspective with a key focus on foods to consume as well as foods to restrict.

All it takes is one decision…

The decision to stop breaking promises to yourself, start listening to your body’s physical and emotional needs & start saying “NO” to anyting that doesn’t align with your core values, goals & purpose. Take that first step towards creating a life of optimal health & happiness!

Susan L.

“Cori is such a great coach. I loved my time with her because she is so encouraging and supportive in helping you achieve your goals. She listens carefully and tailors a plan to fit your personal needs. And, when you have a setback, she helps you regroup and start again. Her years of training have qualified her to become valued and trusted coach. I highly recommend her..”

Brittani L.

This was a bit overwhelming for a minute until Cori sat me down and taught me about diet, mind, body and spirit. More importantly she taught me why I don't want those foods in my body with so many chemicals, etc. She explained the importance of having a healthy gut. Cori asked me what my biggest change has been and I realized how much more HAPPY I am. That is my biggest reward!!”

Colby B.

“I generally eat pretty healthy; but I had no idea that there were certain foods that just didn't agree with my body. After following the recommendations from my scan I felt more energy throughout the day, slept better and experienced increased libido and improved digestion. I lost 10lbs as well! It took about 30 days for my results to start showing; but it is a 90 day program. The scan gives you a great list of 10 foods to avoid and a whole bunch of foods you can incorporate. I didn't realize that my body was so used to feeling uncomfortable after ingesting foods it didn't agree with. I found the information from the (30+ page) report very helpful in making small, mindful changes that improved my every day life. There is also a personalized aspect as a certified health coach reaches out to discuss and follow up. Highly recommend!

Michele V.

I have been under the care of Cori for 3 months now and the energy and passion for what she does to help people is infectious! She makes you WANT to feel better. She is so positive and helpful and inviting. She wants you to succeed and is quick to respond to any questions you might have. I have a ways to go but I feel happy and energized and full of new hope. I very much look forward to what’s ahead of me. The cravings are gone. The bloating and gas is gone. Headaches gone. Absolutely Amazing!

LIndsay P.

Doing the hair scan with Cori was such a great experience and very eye opening to what was going on in my body. A lot of the things that I was having issues with, lined right up with what I was low in and the side effects they caused. Even some of the foods to avoid were ones I knew I had issues with already. It was reassuring to see those line up as well.

mind body spirit health physical health emotional health spiritual health

Health is not just being physically fit. It’s finding your own personal balance of Body, Mind & Spirit.

Health is not only the food you eat, but the thoughts you think and recognizing how your past is playing a part in your present.

It’s a journey that is individual to you.

Working together, we can achieve long term behavior and lifestyle changes through goal setting, motivation and accountability.

This is possible when we identify patterns & habits, shift limiting beliefs and promote healthy behaviors. It’s never too late to change your life!

If you’re feeling stuck or looking for some clarity on which direction you want to go, a Clarity & Energy Session can help you. Using energy work/muscle testing, we can ask your body questions to get validating answers. Your inner self knows what you need and what your purpose is. Sometimes we just need a little help tapping in and getting confirmation on the things we already feel.

Finding clarity is the first step in taking aligned action.

Click the topic below that you’re interested in to be redirected to the video class.

Women, Wellness & WooWoo

Free & paid workshops, live events & FUN! Education about topics on emotional, physical & spiritual health.

Plus…special guest experts in all areas of natural wellness & woowoo.