Make 2024 Your BEST New Year!

What kind of emotion does the NEW YEAR bring up for you?

For some, it brings up excitement for a clean slate and time to set new resolutions. For others, it’s a reminder of all of the resolutions we gave up on or didn’t achieve in the past.

This year I want to challenge you to take back your freedom, challenge your beliefs and find yourself!

Here are a few questions to think about:

When did you give up your freedom and at what cost?

What limiting beliefs are keeping you stuck?

Do you know who you really are & what you really want?

We’re all searching for the perfect life, for happiness. Most of the time we are stuck in the past or worried about the future. It has become difficult for us to enjoy the present moment and to appreciate what we have right here and now. Many of us are living in a reality that we never wanted, but got caught up in what others told us was right for us or what we thought we “should” do.

We now live in a world filled with unhappiness, fear, shame and regret. Checking out, or numbing ourselves, with overindulgance, overconsuming. For some it’s food, for others it’s substances, and for others it’s consuming “things”. We waste time on social media or watching reality tv, comparing ourselves to others and wishing we had “what they have”. We are so unaware of our inner self that we don’t realize that we wouldn’t even want “what they have” if we had it and that it would not bring us true happiness. We’ve become out of shape, unfocused and complacent…stuck in a cycle that only we can break.

Rarely do we take time to sit in the quiet and really think about our lives and what we want. We’re too busy. We’re running around trying to make ends meet, keeping up with the newest gadgets, working in jobs that suck the life out of us, doing things we don’t want to do and sometimes things we really don’t even need to do. We think about and talk about what we don’t want, and we may daydream about what we do want, but we don’t take action to change. Maybe we make excuses...Not enough time, not enough money, people will think I’m stupid, it didn’t work last time, I probably can’t….so many excuses.

Before we move on, let me assure you that you are not alone if this strikes a chord with you. So many issues going on in our society have been difficult for so many. You are also not alone if you feel this need, or calling, to make a change! We are all part of a collective consciousness that seeks purpose and improvement.

Your perfect life, your happiness, lies within your heart.

Your spirit knows your purpose, knows what you are truly capable of and knows exactly what to do. It’s time to get off the couch, put away your phone, turn off the tv and start living life.

The past is gone…lessons learned.

The future is whatever you decide to make of it.

The present holds the key to taking those lessons and those dreams and start believeing the YOU CAN DO IT!

If you’re ready to make some real changes in 2024 there are a few tips to get started:

  1. Make time to sit quietly and process what you want in your life and what you need to eliminate. Write it down, visualize it and let go of limiting beliefs that contradict what you know is right for you. Really analyze where those beliefs came from and if they are true for you. Start thinking about the things you do daily and if they are aligned with what you want to accomplish.

  2. Figure out what FEELS RIGHT for you, deep in your soul. Start paying attention to how you feel with each activity, commitment and action you take daily. Begin to do more of the things that light you up. What can you eliminate or say “no” to? Getting clear on where we are spending time and energy on things that don’t align frees up space and time for us to move in the direction of what does.

  3. Respect your body. There is an enormous energetic connection between how you treat your body and how you feel emotionally and spiritually. If you don’t feel good or don’t have energy, it’s hard to take action. Eat clean food, exercise, speak nicely to yourself, eliminate toxins, get lots of sleep and eliminate stress. When you feel good physically and mentally, it’s so much easier to create a life you want to live.

  4. Clear out the clutter. Most of us have emotional and physical “junk” that is weighing us down. Get rid of the things in your space that you don’t use or don’t need. Don’t buy anything that isn’t necessary or that isn’t a 100% “yes” for you. If you have emotional clutter, begin a daily practice to help you recognize what it is, where it’s coming from and letting it go. Read books, listen to podcasts, do some energy work or therapy…whatever you need to clear it out.

  5. Be aware of your energy vibration. Like attracts like. When you are making change, it’s important to be around energies that will bring you to the people and opportunities that you are seeking. Your daily activities and what you expose yourself to either raise or lower your vibration. Pay attention to who you are around the most and how you feel around them. Be aware of the energy of the music you listen to, the movies you watch and the things you read about. Stay away from the things that generate fear or keep you stuck in disbelief. Avoid toxicity…food, people and envirionments. Find people that can expand your knowledge and your belief in yourself.

  6. Take action every day. Small daily action turns into motivation to keep moving forward. Choose one thing and stick to it until it becomes a habit, then increase the time spent on that action and when you’re ready, add another. For example, if you want to start exercising, start with 10 minutes per day. If you want to eat better, start by eliminating one unhealthy thing you eat until you no longer crave it…then move to the next. If you want to create or learn something, schedule 15 minutes to work on it every day. Don’t tell yourself you don’t have time…make the time. Most importantly, don’t shame yourself if you miss a day and don’t let shame turn into self sabotage.

  7. Find a way to keep yourself accountable. Keeping your word with yourself is more important than anything. When we make agreements or promises to ourselves and we break them, we mess with our personal integrity and we break our own trust.

  8. Lastly….Give it time! Some changes will take a few weeks, some months and some years. Focus on your progress and your wins. Look back and see how far you’ve come already. Remember, “Relapse is part of Recovery” in every change we are making in life.

The New Year doesn’t have to be all about huge resolutions that may overwhelm us or make us feel like a failure three weeks in.

Make 2024 the year you take care of YOU...Feel good, find purpose, live with intention and be yourself!

If you need help with where to begin or setting up a plan…I’d love to support you!
Set up a
Health Evaluation & Goal Setting Session or Clarity/Energy Session today.

If you’re not registered for the “Intentional New Year” Workshop Series check it out!

Cori Behrends

I empower women to create better overall health by combining energy work, goal setting, specialized food plans and individualized programs that promote a balance of mind, body & spiritual health. By addressing all three of these important health components, my clients achieve long lasting results and are able to get back to finding joy in life.

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