Why Detox?

Daily exposures to toxins create a toxic load that over time can lead to chronic illness, fatigue and a low functioning immune system. It’s no surprise that we are constantly exposed to toxins through the food we eat, the air we breathe and the products we use on our bodies and in our homes. There are even toxins in the clothes we wear. Additionally, we are often burdened with emotional toxins. These toxins can be from stress, unhealed emotional trauma and limiting beliefs from the past that don't serve us anymore.

Not only are we exposed to toxins in our daily environment, but our bodies create toxins as by-products through the process of digestion/metabolic function and energy production.

We currently live in the most toxic world in history and it’s virtually impossible to completely eliminate toxins from our lives. We can however, make amazing changes to our overall health and well-being by eliminating many of the emotional and environmental toxins, as well as helping the body process and eliminate metabolic toxins, just by making a few lifestyle and habit changes.

Learning to make less toxic choices can actually improve overall health and the way we feel within a few short weeks.

Ready to get started on detoxing and feel better?

It’s important to work on opening your Drainage Pathways prior to a full detox.

For best results on exactly what your body is dealing with and how it is being affected by your environment, order (mail in kit if your not local) or schedule your Hair Follicle Scan. This will give you specifics on what your body needs to detox from as well as a plan for adding foods that have the nutritional elements that your lacking.