Diet is a Four Letter Word!

Has the word DIET become a curse word in your world?

You’re not alone!

We live in a society that wants a quick fix and we have new trendy diets coming out daily, it seems. They might work for for a while but there are several reasons that they won’t work forever and for some, they won’t work at all.

  1. The food plan is impossible to stick to for life.

  2. There is not enough nutrition involved to sustain your systems.

  3. They are a “quick fix” such as a pill or injection and will only work temporarily or you’ll continue to need more.

  4. The food just doesn’t taste good.

  5. You have some foundational, systematic health issues that are causing your body to hold on to the weight.

  6. It’s not about the food.

If any of these sound familiar, keep reading.

The food plan is impossible to stick to for life.

We have been programmed that food is social, it’s a celebation and it’s an emotional reward. If a big portion of your life revolves around food, you have to have a food plan that is realistic for you to stay committed. There are great substitutes for most all of the “naughty “ foods out there. Learning more about options is important for making changes to our eating habits. In addition, processed and packaged foods are filled with chemicals that make us addicted and wanting more. Eliminating those foods permanently and replacing them with delicious foods help cut the addiciton cycle.

There is not enough nutrition involved to sustain your systems.

Every single system in your body needs specific nutrients. Limiting intake or removing healthy foods that your body needs will have a consequence. Our bodies are bio-individual and what one needs, the other may not. Participating in a fad diet that is not specifically looking at YOUR body’s needs can cause lack of necessary nutrition for overall health. This oftentimes causes our metabolism to begin to permanently function incorrectly and making it even harder to lose weight.

They are a “quick fix” such as a pill or injection and will only work temporarily or you’ll continue to need more.

You can’t just take a pill, of get an injection that makes you eat less and expect your body to function properly. Your body needs specific nutrients to function. Lowering caloric intake or basically starving your body will create long term issues with blood sugar, liver, brain and several other systems and functions in your body. Your body is a perfect machine and when we throw an unexpected wrench into its normal function, it breaks.

The food just doesn’t taste good.

As I mentioned above, processed and packaged foods are filled with ingredients that make us want more. Some fad diets have you eating the same foods every day. Others have you eat expensive packaged foods. There are others that just don’t include the “how to” for making healthy food taste good. It’s hard to stick to something you don’t like. With that being said, once you eliminate the chemically laiden foods, your body will actually crave the healthy ones.

You have some foundational, systematic health issues that are causing your body to hold on to the weight.

Oftentimes when I work with clients, they are eating healthy and working out and are frustrated with the fact that they cannot lose weight. This is most commonly due to an underlying systematic issue. There are several key systems in your body that, if not functioning right, cause the body to hold on to weight. Here a are a few: Adrenal stress, hormones/thyroid, blood sugar issues, toxic heavy metal buildup, emotional stress, cellular health, congested liver and other drainage pathways. Getting to the root cause and focusing on foundational health can help our body reset and begin to function the way it was designed to.

It’s not about the food.

Current stress and past emotional trauma are huge contributers to health and weight issues. Many of us were raised to be emotional eaters by well meaning parents that gave us a “treat” every time we were hurt or took us out for ice cream every time we did somthing amazing. We have been conditioned to eat for all the wrong reasons. Many of us use food as a tool to numb out or comfort ourselves. Getting to the bottom of our emotional attachment to food is essential for optimal health and weight loss. I’ve worked with many people that have emotional issues that manifest as a physical problem. I always recommend that my cleints work with their emotions and manage/eliminate stress in order to have the best results in whatever we are working on.

Bottome line: Health is a commitment. It’s also very bio-individual.

The question I have for you is this….

“If changing the way you eat could make you feel incredible (less pain, anxiety, depression and other symptoms) and bring you more happiness, would you do it?

What we really need to ask ourselves is how will we feel in 3-5 years if we don’t make the changes?

A healthy body is essentail to sustain quality of life as we age. Our symptoms do not just go away. In fact, for most people they get worse and turn into expensive or life threatening illness.

Ready to get started with a food plan that works? A food plan that is specific to what YOUR body needs? Learn how a Hair Follicle Scan can show you exactly how your body is responding to your lifestyle & environment and how to start feeling better.

Cori Behrends

I empower women to create better overall health by combining energy work, goal setting, specialized food plans and individualized programs that promote a balance of mind, body & spiritual health. By addressing all three of these important health components, my clients achieve long lasting results and are able to get back to finding joy in life.

Opening Up Your Drainage Pathways…The Key to Foundational Health