Opening Up Your Drainage Pathways…The Key to Foundational Health

Have you been working on your health for awhile but still feel frustrated with how you feel?

Maybe you’ve seen some progress, some success, but you feel like there’s a missing link.

You’re probably right.

Our bodies are incredible machines and each system works together with other systems to create all of the complicated processes in the body. When one system is out of sync, it can create a domino affect and throw your entire body off.

For example, if your liver is not functioning properly, it can affect your hormones, your digestion, your hair and skin, your nutrient absorption and so much more.

Most of us need to detox our bodies due to the enormous amounts of toxins in our food, products we use and the environment. Our bodies are so overburdened with toxins that most people, even kids, are experiencing issues caused by these toxins.

If you’ve worked on eating a clean diet, healing your gut & microbiome, getting better sleep…all of the things that we are learning are important, and you still don’t feel good, there’s probably one thing you haven’t worked on…

Opening up your Drainage Pathways.

What are Drainage Pathways?

  • Skin

  • Liver

  • Kidneys

  • Digestive Tract

  • Respiratory

  • Lymphatic

When these pathways get congested, it’s impossible for our bodies to eliminate the toxins that cause inflamation and disease. Our bodies were not designed to handle the toxic overload in our world today which is why we are seeing so many people get sick. There is an epidemic of diabetis, heart disease, autoimmune, cancer, neurological diseases (like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s) and so many kiddos and adults with ADD, ADHD and Autism.

Symptoms of congested pathways:

  • Skin issues (rash, acne)

  • Hair Thinning or Loss

  • Brain Fog

  • Digestive Issues/Stomach Pain (bloating/gas)

  • Sleep Issues

  • Extreme Fatigue

  • Depression/Anxiety

  • Constipation

Oftentimes the hair and skin are the first to be affected because they are not life sustaining. When our life sustaining systems are burdened, the body will rob energy from somewhere else in effort to continue functioning. Some of these symptoms are common for other health issues as well as congested drainage pathways so it’s important to find the root cause so you know where to begin. . The majority of the people I’ve worked with have congested liver show up in their scan. In fact, it’s more common than not.

Working on foundations such as cellular health and detox pathways prior to gut repair, doing parasite cleanse, detoxing chemicals and or heavy metals will create the opportunity for long lasting results.

Opening up these pathways is foundational for the body to eliminate the toxic burden. Our body is set up to detox constantly, however, if your pathways are not open and functioning properly, it can’t do it’s job. In addition, forceful detox can be more detrimental if our pathways are clogged. It’s important to work on our systems in the proper order and to know exactly what our individual bodies need in order to perform at the highest level. An Epigenetic Hair Follicle Scan, although not diagnostic, will show you where to begin.

If you are struggling with just not feeling good, no matter what you try or, you’re having autoimmune flareups, there‘s a good chance you need to open up the those pathways. The CellCore Jumpstart Kit or Drainage Activator is a great place to start. The Jumpstartkit will begin the process of working on your cellular health by increasing ATP production (energy), support healthy drainage pathways and assist in natural detoxificatioin processes. The Drainage Activator is a breakthrough drainage support supplement that focuses on a key area of the body that’s never been addressed: The extracellular matrix (ECM). The ECM is comprised of fluids that live between your cells. This area is not only vital to cellular health and energy production but plays a key role in lymphatic drainage and movement, as well as gut and liver health.   

The key for lasting, optimal physical and emotional health is getting to the root cause. Whether you use blood work, a hair scan or another method, it’s important to find the “why” so you’re not guessing. Getting to the root cause takes away the frustration of the roller coaster of feeling good for awhile and then suddenly not feeling well.

Cori Behrends

I empower women to create better overall health by combining energy work, goal setting, specialized food plans and individualized programs that promote a balance of mind, body & spiritual health. By addressing all three of these important health components, my clients achieve long lasting results and are able to get back to finding joy in life.



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